To prevent this our personal righteousness from touching anything as pertaining to Christ’s righteousness, or as a condition on which God gives Christ’s righteousness, I humbly offer to your perusal the effects of many hours pains to obtain the marrow out of the word “Christ made sin for us,” and I hope, if it be read with an humble waiting for teaching from the Lord Jesus, you will find it beneficial towards the understanding, the riches of the free grace of God in Jesus Christ, to make him to be sin for us for his own name sake, not for our personal worthiness, and our evangelical righteousness sake. If any say, why doth this person trouble himself to write thus, in vindication of his father’s sermons? It is for the sake of our dear Lord Jesus, whose glory is eclipsed by the setting up man’s righteousness in the matter of justification; upon which account I may say, “the zeal of thine house hath eaten me up.”