Supralapsarianism as a fixed persuasion of momentous Christ-enthroned truth {in its unquestionable assertion of Divine Sovereignty as a pillar of Holy Scripture} is that specific confession truth wherein those instructed in Christ assert the total comprehensiveness of God's unlimited sovereignty & eternal purpose – and are thus enabled by scriptural warrant to glimpse the pre-eminent beauty/glory of Christ as the ultimate object center of Jehovah's one vast eternal pre-creation design to glorify himself – with paramount redemptive glory emphasis; and this unifying principle of predestinating grace is to the ultimate manifestation of God's infinite glory, unlimited power & absolute holiness.
Whilst the name of this web domain {supralpasarian} would seem to imply an emphasis on high predestinarian truth, which we do in fact uncompromisingly assent unto, we would make plain our foremost desire is the pre-eminent exaltation of Christ; and as aids of that exaltation – that is; of that particular exaltation which consists in a believer's spiritual worship of his Redeemer – we have ventured forth to extract 'bits' of gospel truth from the writings of such who have, by their peculiar ability to unfold heavenly truths made Christ more precious, to the intent that those 'in Christ' may be enabled to rejoice with us, as our hearts together search out the wonders of free & sovereign grace.