A Declaration of Principle Gospel Truths

In light of this brief confession of a few principle; and to us, foundational & essential gospel truths {which we hope soon to expand upon, as enabled to do so} we humbly confess – first & foremost – that we know but in part; and though oft overcome with the sheer sublime glory of heavenly truth in light of our own personal nothingness, and our spiritual inaptitude to truly savor the things which be of Christ; yet, we nevertheless wish to convey, to such whose minds have been illuminated by the Spirit of Truth, a measure of our own perception of Christ enthroned truth; and, thereby, by the grace of God, to direct penitent sinners to the one gospel message of the sovereign grace & glory of God in the Person & Work of Christ; and to aid fellow believers in their ongoing quest to prize Jesus Christ the more.


Arminianism: The false gospel of Arminianism is an abominable evil; and as unveiled in all its Christ denying subtlety will be wholly renounced and utterly detested by all the faithful in Christ Jesus – who with love to their sovereign Redeemer in their hearts & the essential power of Divine Truth persuading their minds – will humbly seek to walk by the empowerment of the Spirit in a way which becometh the precious gospel of Christ; being necessitated to come boldly, uncompromisingly and decisively over to the side of truth – in earnest & faithful contention against the toxic errors of the Arminian system, including all forms of free-will conditionalism, any denial of the absolute sovereignty of God in salvation – the redemptive nature of the death of Christ in representation – the irresistible call & application of the Holy Spirit’s work in regeneration and every other delusion of anti-christ that would seek to exalt itself in opposition to the knowledge of God in the gospel of His Grace; and any professed conversion whilst under its delusionary & fabricated lies will be seen as false & spurious, and in no manner consistent with a genuine work of the Spirit in granting repentance to the acknowledgement of the truth.


Bible: Divine plenary inspiration is that sovereign, miraculous, and supernatural influence of the Holy Spirit of God by which chosen prophets, apostles and other sacred writers were moved upon and infallibly directed in all they wrote to set forth Divine Truth without any mixture of error – a pure revelation of God – absolutely faultless, unerring & authoritative; and this heavenly inscripturation; otherwise known as the sacred scriptures of the Old & New Testament – are and manifest themselves to be – in their original languages – the pure, entirely inerrant and unchangeable word of God; the absolute & final authority for all doctrine, faith and practice; and when illuminated & authenticated by the Spirit of Truth do convey to every recipient of divine grace – to whom they are addressed –and for whom they were exclusively written – a most sure & certain testimony as to their Divine Inspiration; their infallible trustworthiness, and their intrinsic authority. These Scriptures have been miraculously preserved, safeguarded and protected from destruction or alteration; and thus kept pure in all ages under the Lord’s special care; who according to His faithful promises – providentially superintended the translation of the precious, essential and traditional Received Text – {which is the basis of the Authorized Version of 1611 - KJV, and the most reliable, trustworthy & accurate translation in the English language} – the pure Word of God kept intact by the scattered elect remnant of His one church – the faithful in Christ Jesus; and these Holy Scriptures – possessing within themselves – their own infallible interpretation – as one harmonious whole – are Christocentric in their unified theme of redemptive glory; which Divine persuasion by the Spirit of Truth to exalt Christ will be paramount in the effectual application thereof; and being thus constrained to declare our firmest belief in the verbal inspiration of all Holy Scripture as originally given, we wholeheartedly reject whatsoever does not agree with this infallible rule & the pure revelation of the gospel of Christ as written and sealed within the heart of every Spirit taught heir of God through Christ – therefore repudiating all which is not based on Scripture, either by direct command or necessary consequence; and any and all who seek to alter, add or detract from its authoritative finality.


Calvinism: Calvinism; or what might be otherwise called the ‘reformed faith;’ when separated from the essential revelation of Christ, like Arminianism – and every other ‘ism’ that stands in the carnal wisdom & empty traditions of apostate men, whilst denying the paramount supremacy of Christ in the gospel – is an abominable evil; and despite its limp creedal grasp of a few fundamental gospel truths; {namely: Total Depravity & Inability – Eternal Unconditional Divine Election unto Salvation in Christ – Efficacious Particular Redemption of God’s elect by Sovereign Divine Imputation – Irresistible & Invincible Grace by the Word of the Son of God in Holy Spirit Regeneration – Divine Preservation of the Called in Christ Jesus by the power of God through Faith unto Eternal Glory} – is just another denial/obscuring of the pre-eminent glory of Christ – in its toxic law/grace admixture; its faith generated view of justification; its popish sacramentalism; its perpetual gravitation towards Conditionalism; its morbid introspectionism; its trampling underfoot the One Gospel, by giving credence/speaking peace to Arminian heretics; and other such like deviations from the truth; and though oft confounded by our own lack of spiritual understanding, true repentance before the Lord, and that faith which overcometh the world; yet, we cannot but separate in heart & life from this Babylonian confusion – desiring implicit & fervent devotedness to Christ in heart & life, corresponding with a incessant awareness of the sheer sacredness of every particle of revealed Truth – as opposed to this shallow creedalism, taught in ‘religious institutions’ of reformed learning, and substituted for the pure gospel of Christ.


Faith: The grace of faith; being a Divine persuasion of the mind – a spiritual, imperishable & vital work of the Spirit of God; that inwardly realizes, accredits and lays hold upon the assimilating truths of the Gospel; whereby the elect are brought to the assurance, realization, sense, perception & evidence of their salvation in Christ; and are thereby enabled to believe, wholly embrace, exclusively rest & live upon Him for all of justification, sanctification & eternal life – is of an altogether Spirit infused motion of the soul unto Christ; and as built upon certain, specific and infallible gospel truth; is brought under that reign of grace by which the mind is fixated, the heart absorbed and Christ believed upon in the animating power of divine grace.


Godhead: The Lord our God is One God – One Jehovah – One King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only true God – a Spirit of infinite perfections, whose subsistence is entirely in Himself; whose pure essence is incomprehensible – the Absolute and only self-existent Being: Infinite, immutable, omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent and altogether inconceivably perfect in holiness and most glorious in all His ways. In this divine and infinite Being, there is the Father, the Word, and the Holy Spirit – each clearly distinguished in Holy Scripture by several incommunicable properties – each indwelling one another and each possessing, not in part, but entirely, the infinite essence of the One Divine Nature – the Father is God – the Son is God – and the Holy Spirit is God – and these sacred Three are ONE in the eternal Godhead – dwelling in the light which no man can approach unto; whom no man hath seen, nor can see – to whom be glory, honor and power everlasting.


Gospel: The glorious gospel in all its assimilating truth and indispensable doctrine is a pure declaration of free & sovereign grace – the proclamation of an accomplished redemption through the sole merit, righteousness, and death of the Lord Jesus Christ – a Declarative Sentence of Absolution unto all the elect, to whom alone it does belong – the glad tidings that God has saved His people from their sins; which sweet savor of the knowledge & revelation of Christ will ultimately prevail in the hearts of all ordained to eternal life in Christ Jesus – thus bringing to light & manifestation that heavenly infusion of life by the Spirit in the New Birth.


Justification: Justification is a Judicial Act of God’s Free Grace and Mercy in Christ; a legal declaration of complete acquittal from imputed and contracted sin, guilt & condemnation; a discharge by substitutionary satisfaction & sovereign imputation of sin to Christ – accompanied by a declaration of perfect righteousness; whereby God clears His elect from all sin, and reckons them wholly righteous on the basis of the mediation, full satisfaction and substitutionary righteousness of Christ – out of consideration of nothing but Christ alone, without any initiating act on their part; and that Divine Pardon accompanying Justification can be distinguished from the fact that it is exclusively procured by the Blood of Christ in the actual pardon and complete removal of Sin in all its awful entirety; whereas Justification by Imputation gives a Righteousness and insures the heirs thereof of an eternal inheritance. This Righteousness based upon the infinite merit of Christ’s entire Mediatorial Representation is called the righteousness of God; which insures the salvation of all whom He represented, and on whose behalf He accomplished in Himself, as Surety of the everlasting covenant – complete redemption; and a refusal to recognize that all of justification is conditioned upon Christ alone is an actual denial of Christ, and an attempt by men to rob Him of His glory and utterly destroy the message of the gospel.


Person of Christ: All the inexhaustible fulness and glory of the eternal self-existent Jehovah is embodied in the Son of God – our Lord Jesus Christ – who in His absolute Godhead & Divine Eternal Sonship is Supreme God in the most unlimited sense – of one undivided and eternal essence with the Father – uncreated – unbegotten – underived – self-existent – the blessed and only Potentate, the King of kings, and Lord of lords – our altogether glorious Savior – the Alpha & Omega, the First and the Last – the ALMIGHTY GOD. All things were created by Him, and for Him; and He is before all things, and by Him all things consist – who according to Divine ordination was setup from everlasting as the Mediatorial Head & Representative of all those given to Him of the Father and chosen in Him – in the Eternal Covenant of Redemption – for whom he did engage as Surety, and in the fulness of time and in an act of unparalleled, incomprehensible and infinite mercy and condescension took into union a true, real and impeccable Body of flesh & blood – with His Deity in One Person: the Word being made flesh – absolutely God and perfectly Man in One glorious Person – the God-Man Mediator – the only Mediator between God and man; which union of Manhood with Godhead invested everything accomplished by the Lord Jesus Christ with inestimable virtue and infinite merit, to the immeasurable glory of God in the highest possible degree; and as no man calleth Jesus – LORD, but by the revelation & persuasion of the Spirit in sealing and bearing witness by and in accordance with Divine Truth; so no man that has the Spirit of God, can speak lightly of the Person, Divinity, and Satisfaction of Christ; or of his work as Mediator, Prophet, Priest, and King; and thus with the deepest reverence, adoration & worship – we emphatically declare that: “Great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh.”


Predestination: God’s eternal decree and foreordination is all-comprehensive; whereby for His own glory alone, He has most immutably, unconditionally and efficaciously pre-determined whatsoever comes to pass; and that this providential rule & reign is completely unrestricted – never passive or reactionary; whereby all things are absolutely controlled, maintained and preserved in such a way that all, without exception, lead to the end He has determined - with over-ruling authority and Divine purpose to the ultimate manifestation of His infinite grace, perfect justice and absolute holiness; and that God’s redemptive purpose in Christ {the exaltation of Christ} is the ultimate, primary and unifying principle of gospel revelation to the praise of His immeasurable power & glory.


Repentance: Repentance towards God; a special grant of distinguishing grace – inseparably united to that faith of which God is the sole Author, Christ the Object Center and the Spirit the Divine Catalyst thereof; is, like faith – a spontaneous effect of Divine Quickening; whereby those that belong to Christ – are brought {under Holy Spirit conviction of sin} into a state of self ruin; in acknowledgement of guilt, penitent sorrow & the true realization of complete lostness apart from God’s free grace in Christ unto an abandonment of all known transgression, and a turning {conversion} from all damnable heresy, every delusional error & idolatrous refuge unto Christ alone; accompanied with continual heart thirstings to know more of Christ, to be representatively, continually & experimentally found in Christ, and to live by the Divine Energy of the Spirit – a life in Christ, by grace – daily.


Romanism: Otherwise known as the Roman Catholic Institution, or Mystery, Babylon the Great, the Mother of Harlots and Abominations of the Earth has been from its pagan roots and throughout its accursed history, in its masquerade of what the world calls Christianity, the greatest enemy of the true gospel in existence - a black plaque indeed, which the Lord – the righteous Judge – hath poured forth upon the inhabitants of the earth; and though veiled by popish priestcraft & religious confusion to the paramount glory of Christ in the gospel to all that are given over to succumb to its spiritual harlotry, and drink of her intoxicating mixtures; yet this beast like that of the false prophet of counterfeit Christianity will be exposed and stripped bare of all his purple & scarlet attire to the Spirit instructed mind & contrite heart of every penitent sinner who has come out of this accursed system; and fled to Christ as Spirit enthroned – the whole of salvation glory; and at this time of universal apostasy / deception when the Second Beast {Revelation 13} who looks like a lamb, but speaks as a dragon – otherwise known as the Protestant Whore Church has joined this abominable religious institution in believing, promoting, and tolerating the false gospel of conditional salvation, it becomes all the more necessary to boldly cry out against her atrocious practices, teachings and manifold idolatries.


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Wherefore, holy brethren, partakers of the heavenly calling, consider the Apostle
and High Priest of our profession, Christ Jesus. Hebrews 3:1